Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, 4 December 2015

Hi Everyone:

Here we are at last; it is the final month of the current year, and for most it is a busy time indeed. If you are a football fan, like me, it is the time of year when we get to watch the best of the season's play. It's time for college playoffs and pro-football's final contests leading up to February's Super- Bowl. I'd mention that winter begins on the 22nd but here in South Florida I think it came and went last week.

But of course it is much, more; on Sunday Dec. 6th Hanukkah begins. My Catholic spouse has already placed our menorah on a table in the living-room and for eight nights I'll light another candle and recite the Hebrew blessing as we honor this festival of lights that recalls how 2,000-years ago, the family Maccabee led our people against a Syrian tyrant king (sound familiar?) who had conquered the holy-land and forbade the practice of Judaism.

Before the day arrives when all eight candles are finally lit, my wife will have our tree fully decorated and empty stockings strategically placed to remind us of the gifts to come when Christmas day arrives on the twenty-fifth. Our son, Casey, still sort of believes in the jolly old fellow who delivers all the goodies, and yes, we celebrate both holidays at our house. You can enjoy my favorite holiday short story in the Current Post section of my website at:

We don't however celebrate Kwanzaa, which starts the day after Christmas and runs until New Years Day. We probably would if Danielle and Casey had their way. I guess by now, it's occurred to you that we are big on celebrating happy occasions. Kwanzaa is a wonderful celebration of African-American cultural values and traditions.

I had hoped to participate in The Author's Showcase scheduled for January 10th at the Delray Beach Public Library, but unfortunately I was given the wrong deadline for submission of my novel, Alex, Peanut Butter and Me, so while I'll probably attend, I won't be able to speak until 2017. That, of course, won't prevent you from purchasing my novel, which makes a great gift, at your local book store. It helps if you give them this ISBN number: 978-1-63066-062-8. If you'd prefer an e-book you can upload it at: or for Nook users at:

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty in following my blog and to wish you and yours the happiest of holidays.

Friday, October 30, 2015

30 October 2015

Hi Everyone:

Supposen the witches began to witch and you couldn't tell which witch was which. Well, supposen?

According to my calendar, tomorrow is Halloween, and this year it is on a Saturday, which means that the school aged kids in our neighborhood will not be in school, so maybe they will be out in force. We never know from year to year how many will show up at our door to receive a treat. My kind-hearted wife usually buys several bags of candy (that she hides from me) until the holiday arrives. This year is different, instead of candy (dog gone it!) she bought forty bottles of fruit-punch with straws. (She didn't bother to hide it from me) I guess I'll have to go trick or treating tomorrow night.

Here is a short story that I wrote some time ago:


(For Carolyn)


        Joshua J. Truxton
 (561) 736-8044
509 Words


My daddy is a smart man. He makes all kinds of things. He made my toy box, and my bed; he even made the home we live in.  Our house is made of big logs. It’s near an airbase in Alaska.  It’s beautiful in the summer. The days are warm and the sun is still up when I go to sleep, but in the winter the sun comes up half way between breakfast and lunch, and it’s dark again by the time we have dinner.

In winter, the snow piles up so high that neither Mommy or I can see over it, and it’s so cold that Daddy runs an electric cord from our house to a heater he puts over the motor of our truck to keep it from freezing. Mommy says he’s a genius—a mad genius—whatever that is.

            Late last spring, I found a little puppy out in the woods behind our house. She had lots of soft brown fur. Mommy said I could keep her if nobody claimed her. Mommy wanted to name her Georgia, but Daddy named her George.

            I don’t think Daddy liked George. Every time she peed on the floor, he picked her up by the back of her neck, which Daddy said didn’t hurt, and threw her out the door.

            I don’t think George liked Daddy either ‘cause once after he threw her out, I saw her pee on the mat in front of our door. When she finished, she shook herself and ran away.  I never saw her again.

Like I said, it gets cold in Alaska and the morning after George left, Daddy put on his heavy jacket, stepped out the door, and slipped on the icy mat. He hurt his back.

            There are a lot of kids in our neighborhood. Most of them are older than me. Daddy says they’re a bunch of troublemakers, always up to nasty tricks, especially at Halloween. This year, he said that when they holler, “Trick or treat,” he’s going to give them a trick they’ll never forget. I watched as he fastened some long wires to the inside knob on our front door, and then attached the other end to a little machine he has that looks like my pencil sharpener. Daddy said that when he turns the handle real fast they’ll get a shocking trick. Just to be sure, he went outside to shovel some snow on the mat that Mommy had just swept clean.

            When he went outside, I remembered Daddy saying, “It’s so easy, a child can do it,” so I went over to the table where he had that pencil sharpener and gave it a couple of real fast turns—it was easy. You should have heard Daddy yell! I don’t know what all the words meant; they must have been bad ones because Mommy rushed in and put her hands over my ears.

            We gave out popcorn balls and lollypops on Halloween.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

19 Aug 2015

Hi Everyone:
     Sometimes, a writer's life just gets tedious. Composing a new novel is challenging enough all by itself, but when you combine that with efforts to polish and revise another that you've recently completed and at the same time continue the struggle to find a literary agent who is excited about seeking a publisher for what you consider to be one of the best things you've ever written--WELL--as  you can tell, it is beyond frustrating. If I wasn't so stubborn, I'd take up stamp collecting or if my aged body would just co-operate, go back to playing senior softball. 
    I think I must be getting closer to landing a literary agent because my rejections are getting smaller. The last one I received came by mail (in a stamped pre-addressed envelope that I provided).
The paper was a non-standard size,  only 4+3/4" by 6"  The fact that my name was typed in using a font that didn't match the thirty-three-word rejection didn't provide an ounce of comfort, but I must say they came up with a somewhat unique excuse. This one claimed too many authors & too much work. I must admit, today, most literary agents require that you query them by e-mail and if they bother to communicate at all it is also by e-mail. I guess this one hurt because I had to send the query with sample pages by mail along with the stamped return mail envelope. Ah well, onward and upward.
     I hope you will check out my website: I just posted another great short story written by my close friend, Frank Lohan. You'll find it on the tab marked "Current Posts".  On Sept 9th, I'm planning to post the opening chapters of my novel, The Unvarnished Truth. Don't miss it.

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015

Hi Everyone:

A month ago, I published the first three chapters of my novel, Alex, Peanut Butter and Me on my website:  I am pleased to relate that 513 readers had the chance to check it out. I look forward to learning from my publisher how many sales were generated by that exposure.

If you didn't get a chance to read it during that period, you should still be able to find it among the archives. You can also find it online at these addresses:

 You can purchase the print version via on-demand printing through Second Wind Publishing or any book store. It helps the store locate it if you provide the ISBN Number: 978-1-63066-062-8.

In the meantime, I have replaced the free chapters in the current post section of my website with a brand new short, short story, Le Grenouille` that I think you will find amusing. I hope you will soon visit my website at:

While much of my energy is devoted to the marketing of this novel, I still find time to work on a brand new story. I have now completed the first twenty-five chapters of  Where There's a Will . . . There's a Relative.  like Alex, Peanut Butter and Me it is a family saga. In addition to the new story, I am also reviewing and revising The Unvarnished Truth. Within the next few weeks, I shall post the opening chapters for your reading pleasure and for your comments. I am seeking a Literary Agent to represent it, an essential step if it is to be seen by a major publishing house, one of my cherished goals.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015

Hi Everyone:

     Now that my novel, Alex--Peanut Butter--And Me, is available at bookstores and online, it seems that I must turn more of my attention to marking than ever before.

     For those of you who prefer reading a novel on an electronic device:
        You can download the novel at: or at:

     For  those of you who prefer the feel of the book:
         Your local book store can provide a print on demand copy. They may ask you for its ISBN  
          number, 978-1-63066-062-8. You can also obtain a copy from the publisher at a discounted
          price at:

     If you would like to know more about the story and the author you can read an interesting interview by going to this link:  You can also read sample chapters at my website: and click on Current Post. I sure hope you will check it out; I think you'll find that the story will bring a tear to your eye, put a smile on your lips, and warm your heart.

    Enjoy the read,

Friday, April 17, 2015

17 April 2015

Re: Josh’s Book Brigade

Hi Everyone:

I am pleased and excited to tell you that my publisher, Second Wind Publishing, LLC, has just advised that my novel, Alex, Peanut Butter, and Me is now available in print form. As you may know, while three of my novels, Path to a Pardon, The Eindhoven Strategy, and Palm Beach Style are available in electronic form, this is a first for me.

Now, the hard work of marketing begins. It is extremely important that the book enjoy early success. The publication of future novels is, to some extent, hostage to the sales record and especially the early sales record of this novel.

While the novel is available to virtually all book stores, not all will opt to stock it on their shelves unless there is demand for it. People seldom buy what they can’t see and hold. That’s why I am hoping you will lend a hand, by joining Josh’s Book Brigade.

I’m asking that you contact one or more bookstores in your area. You can do this in person or even by phone. Simply ask if they have a copy of Alex, Peanut Butter, and Me by Josh Truxton in stock. If the answer is ‘no’, indicate that you would like to see a copy of the book and ask if they can order it (perhaps they ought to have several copies). Say that you have the ISBN Number available. It is: 978-1-63066-062-8.  You are not obligated to buy the book although it is a good read, and priced at an affordable $12.95 it makes a great gift for anyone who enjoys an uplifting family story.

I hope I can count on you to assist in getting the novel into lots of bookstores. Perhaps you could also forward this to some of your good friends.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                           ALEX, PEANUT BUTTER, AND ME

                                         By Josh Truxton                              

                             ISBN Number: 978-1-63066-062-8        

                     Published by: Second Wind Publishing, LLC


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

25 March 2015

Hi Everyone:

     I wish I could write that I have great news. Heck I wish that I could write that I have good news. The truth is, I hardly have any news at all.
    On my last blog, I said that I was having a love affair with my latest creation, my thirteenth novel,  currently titled, Where There's a Will--There's a Relative. I believe I gave credit for my inspiration to a quote from Mavis Gallant: "Writing is Like a Love Affair: The Beginning is the Best Part."
    I'm still very much in love, I just finished chapter 17. However, I must be past the beginning, because I'm slowing down. I'm approaching the middle of my story where it gets harder and harder to get a clear view of the path ahead. Some wise sole once dubbed it, the muddle of the story. I have a fairly good idea of how the novel ends. I just have to find my way from where I am, through the next twenty chapters, to what I hope will be a fantastic finish.
     In the meantime, I am still waiting for my publisher to send me the initial supply of copies that I ordered of my just released seventh novel, Alex, Peanut Butter and Me. About two weeks ago, he said that it would take about three weeks before the printer could ship them, so I guess I'm a week or two away from nail-biting time.
     I did go to his website and I found that when I clicked on my name under his listing of authors it did take me to a section with a brief biography and a picture of my novel in soft cover. It displayed an initial price of $12.95 that was ruled out and replaced by one at $10.95. [He accepts MasterCard, PayPal and Visa], so I'm guessing that the book can be purchased on-line directly from (or click on this link.) Click the "Authors" tab, the names are  alphabetized by first names. Click on Joshua Truxton and the website should do the rest.

  By the way, if you are following this blog, you are among the first to be invited to purchase the novel. I guess you could say this is my formal, informal announcement.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015

Hi Everyone:

     About two weeks ago, while I was between revising the third volume of my trilogy, Adventures of Silent Sam, and sending out queries to Literary Agents for representation on my novel, The Unvarnished Truth, and urging my publisher to expedite the release of "Alex, Peanut Butter, and Me"; I came across this terrific quote from the author, Mavis Gallant:
                      "Writing is like a love affair:  The beginning is the best part."

     I jotted it down on a Post-It and now it sits firmly attached to my computer screen. The more I thought about it, the truer it sounded. It became clear to me that it was trumpeting a message that was far too clear and poignant to ignore, so I dusted off my trusty keyboard and immersed myself in a brand new project. You might well ask if it is a romance or at least a love story. Either, would be only too poetic, but alas, no such luck. It's a family saga in which the main character, age seventy, is beginning to experience cognitive issues and recognizes, that for all his wealth, he must face end of life decisions. The working title for this, my 13th manuscript. is [Are you ready for this? May I hear a drumroll, please.]
                                      "Where There is a Will . . . . There's a Relative"
     Now don't go rushing out to Barnes & Noble or to to get a copy. I'm a long, long way from publication. In fact, if you have been following my blog you know what a struggle I've been having to find a Literary Agent in the hope of getting some major publishing house to consider one of my manuscripts.
     So far, all I have is a working title and the first eleven chapters. And I'm here to tell you that Mavis Gallant is right, writing is like a love affair. I've never felt more alive than I've been while putting together these initial chapters. Will the beginning turn out to be the best part of the affair? I guess I won't know the answer to that until I reach the end of my quest. But like a love affair, I can feel myself being seduced by the promise of the main characters. Will their allure pull me deep into the plot? I have no idea, but I find myself pushing other literary concerns aside to concentrate on this, my great new love.
     As they used to say on the radio soaps, Stay tuned for further developments.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hi Everyone:
     It's been about six weeks since my last post and I'm still waiting for my publisher to move my novel, Alex, Peanut Butter, and Me, out of the "Coming Soon" list and onto his "Available Now" list. I just sent him a note and I'm hoping he'll respond right away.
     In my previous blog, I mentioned that I had sent the manuscript for The Unvarnished Truth to a literary agent. Story in a nutshell--rejected. Once again I am actively seeking someone who feels passionately about this story. I now have 51 unanswered queries out there (123 sent since April of last year). I feel that the advent of the movie Selma should improve the book's chances.
     In case you are wondering, yes, I am also seeking an agent who likes Young Adult and New Adult stories for my three volume trilogy, Adventure of Silent Sam. There are 26 unanswered queries about those. (Does anyone have a special in with a literary agent?)
     Every time I get a rejection notice I send at least one new query out. I don't take rejections personally, I try to treat this as a process and my response of a new query for each turn down helps to keep it that way.
     In the meantime, beside reading the 3rd volume of Adventure of Silent Sam to my critique group at the rate of a chapter a week, I have started writing a new novel. It's a family saga that I'm really excited about. So far I've completed only eight chapters, so I have a long way to go. I shall keep you posted as to my progress.
     Here is a great quote from author, Mavis Gallant. "Writing is like a love affair: The beginning is the best part."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hi Everyone:
     In my last blog, I bemoaned the difficulty of enticing a legitimate literary agent to actually read  my manuscript, The Unvarnished Truth. At the time, I had already written to 75 literary agents without any sign of success and  my lament was to find a specific number where one could honestly say to ones self, "That's enough, it's time to put the book on the shelf, or consider the Independent Publishers or self-publication."
     I am a persistent person so I kept on sending out query letters, and lo and behold, after sending an electronic query letter to the 110th agent (with over 45 still unanswered) today I rec'd a request for the entire manuscript. Naturally, I complied. She may decide not to represent it, but for a while, I can at least ecstatically float on a sense of hope.
     My list of potential literary agents still contains 23 likely prospects for this genre. I shall hold these as a reserve, in case I wind up with another rejection, and in the meantime, dedicate myself to finding a Literary Agent for my Young Adult trilogy, Adventures of Silent Sam. I must confess that within the last week I also came up with the germ of an idea for my next novel, a great family conflict. I can hardly wait to start putting that on paper.
     In case you are wondering, here is the latest news on my forthcoming novel, Alex, Peanut Butter, and Me. I checked my publisher's website and found a segment dedicated to novels that are close to their publication date. There together with nineteen others, listed under: COMING SOON was the cover for my book. Now all I need to figure out is the definition of the word: SOON.
    Stay tuned for further details,