Hi Everyone:
I am pleased to publish
two chapter, 15 of my novel, RAPE. After
reading the chapter, I hope you will comment. As you know, your comments and
suggestions influence my revision. If you missed any of the previous chapters,
check the archives.
I also encourage you to visit my website: joshswritingroom.com/ where you will find,
a short story. You can also check out my e-published novels. If you find one to your liking, you can
purchase it from Amazon.com, or from Barnes and Noble. You’ll find links on the
website taking you right to it.
As I publish each new chapter, the previous
chapter(s) should be archived, so you can easily catch up.
For those who
prefer, here is an encapsulated version of the previous action:
executive, Gary Sanders, has an appointment at the home of Julia Walsh, the
reigning Empress of Palm Beach. Julia’s niece, Oscar winning actress, Miriam
West, is visiting and has jewelry to insure.
accuses Gary of assault and rape. Chief Moore shows Gary a close-up of her
facial cuts and bruises. They await the lab report.
wife, Carol is furious. Due to a Gary’s past, Carol believes him guilty. She
moves him into the guest room.
Joe Flaherty advises him not to hide, flee or talk. Reporters who publish
stories favoring the actress surround Gary’s home and office. His children are
harassed at school and Gary loses his clients and his major companies.
Neighbors and friends shun Gary and his family.
to Gary’s arraignment, lawyer Flaherty sends P.I., Jim Bosley to investigate,
and then visits Carol. When he arrives, he finds her parents have arrived and
plan to take her and the children back to Boston. He tries to persuade her to
A January court date is set. After posting
$50,000 bail, Gary returns home, & Carol tells him that she and the
children are going to Boston to live with her parents.
cleaning up his office, Gary stops at a Palm Beach Pub. As he walks to his car,
a Miriam West fan assaults him.
neighborhood committee offers up to $15,000 to help Gary sell his home if his
family leaves Palm Beach within 60 days.
Bosley interviews the maids at the Walsh mansion and learns that Consuela was
fired the previous week. He concludes that reporter; Miguel Gonzales is already
looking for her.
editor helps him find an address for Consuela, but according to a neighbor she
has gone to visit her mother in San Antonio.
Rose Arista frowned, as Consuela pushed the vegetables from
one side of the plate to the other before moving them to the middle and
starting the silly game all over again, letting everything get cold. It’s the
same as yesterday, and the day before that, and even before that, in fact for
the entire week. She hardly eats a thing, this child who always enjoyed a great
appetite. “Consuela, stop playing with your food. Eat it while it is still
a child, Consuela had been chubby, full of energy, running around the barrio
with the other children, so full of life. Now, look at her! She can hide behind
a broomstick.
do you hear me? I cook all your favorite vegetables. Please eat them.”
All day she is so sad, stays in her room, she does not call
any of her friends, and she sleeps too much. It must be a man. She says she is
on vacation, but something is wrong. I see it; I feel it in my bones. Always
before she love her job, now she won’t even talk about it. Perhaps she runs
away, but from what? Does she come here to hide? If she is hiding, is it
because she does something wrong? Consuela has always been a good child; maybe
not perfect, never in bad trouble.
“Consuela, did you get fired?” What causes such unhappiness?
This must be the fault of a man. She has never had luck with men. She gets that
from her father’s side of family. I always did well with the muchachos. Pobrecita.
“Consuela, has some hombre
taken advantage of you? Did he hurt you? Talk to me!”
What can I do to help her? This cannot go on. She stooped and
took the plate away. When she returned from the kitchen, her daughter had not
moved; she took a seat next to her unhappy child and placed a hand on her thin
“Consuela, listen to me! I am your mother; you know that I
love you. Whatever it is that puts you in this unhappy state, you know I am on your side, speak; make me
understand. Between us there have never been secrets.”
“Oh Momacita, if
only it were that simple, then I tell you, but this is not easy to explain. I
am not certain I understand it myself, so how do I explain it to someone else?”
“Try! Otherwise it will eat you until it drive you out of
your mind.”
Consuela attempted a quick smile. “I think that I am already
a lobo loco.”
Rose took her daughter’s hand and held it in both of her own.
“Take a deep breath my child, and tell me!”
Consuela inhaled deeply and shut her eyes for a moment. When
she opened them, her mother’s brown
simpatico eyes were inches away. “You know that for the last five years I’m
working at the home of Julia Walsh, she is a good woman and has much wealth.”
She watched as her mother nodded and patted her hand. “Everything is fine until
her niece, Miss Miriam, comes to visit. Oh Momacita,
she is a beauty, an actress, and a devil. I try to help her and now—and
now. . .”
“Go on Consuela; you will feel better once you tell me.”
“I try to be nice to Ms. Miriam because I can see she is much
troubled. Before she comes to visit, she has a big fight with a man in
Hollywood. I hear her talk on the phone begging him to forgive her, but he
hangs up on her. Ms. Miriam, she throws things and cries many tears. She does
not speak of this to me, and I do not ask, but I can tell she is like a spoiled
child, crying because she has done something wrong and she expects everyone to
forgive her and give her whatever she wants.
“Then, Miss Julia, she asks a friend to come see her niece.
He is a fine man. He has much stature. Miss Miriam, all morning she is
drinking. I look in her eyes, and I see trouble ahead. I do not see him come,
but I see him leave and now Miss Miriam is more angry than I ever see her. Oh Momacita, it is so unjust that now Miss
Miriam puts me in her wild scheme to bring him down. I don’t understand how
Miss Julia allows this. I have done nothing wrong. I try to help her. She cut
herself. I clean the wound. I do what Miss Miriam wants. Now, I am sent away. This
is not just,” she declared, as the tears began to flow. Consuela put her head
in her mother’s lap and sobbed.
She felt her mother’s small hand smoothing her hair. She
closed her eyes tight in a vain effort to keep the tears from cascading and
again pictured herself saying goodbye to Miriam West in Fort Pierce; saw herself
picking up the suitcase and reaching for the door of the Cadillac.
Once again, she heard the she-devil remind her not to speak
to anyone about what happened. Telling her, she’d receive a check each week as
if she still worked, to consider this a paid vacation, and that when Miss
Miriam completed her triumph everything would be the same as before. As
Consuela gently closed the car door, the woman grabbed her thin wrist through
the open window. With surprising strength, she pulled her close, imprisoning her
and with fire in her eye spoke in a low voice, “If you do not keep your mouth
shut I will send someone to shut it for you!
Not trusting her voice, she had nodded, pulled away from Miss
Miriam’s grasp, and made her way into the nasty smelling, run-down bus
Now, Consuela choked back a sob, rubbed her wrist, and
decided not to tell her mother about the crazy woman’s threat. She lifted her
head, allowing her mother to wipe her tears with a tissue the old woman
produced from her sleeve. “I have just one question to ask, my daughter.”
“Yes Momacita?”
“Did the man see you?”
“No, I stay in next room. The door only little bit open. I
see him, but the bedroom is dark. I think he don’t know I am there.”
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