Friday, January 8, 2016

8 January 2016

Hi Everyone:

Gee, I got the year right. Usually, it takes about a month before I can automatically get that part of the date correct on the first try. Does this mean that I am not slipping into dementia? I  hope so. Anyway, let me not forget to wish you all a Very Happy New Year!

Some people make all kinds of resolution. I suppose that some of them are even kept. I've had no luck with either side of that equation, so this year I resolved not to repeat any of last year's resolutions. However, that is not to say that I won't persist in trying to locate a good Literary Agent for my adult novel, The Unvarnished Truth and for my young adult trilogy, Adventures of Silent Sam. In addition, I fully intend to finish the family saga that at the present time is bedeviling me, it's working title is: Where There's a Will--There's a Relative.termined to find a Literary Agent for  my novel, The Unvarnished Truth &
tures of Silent Sam.  And somehow,lan to finish my newest family saga, Where There's a
I've written a little over half of this latest novel, and I must say that it's  getting harder and harder to write. Up until last month, I was writing it from the seat of my pants (In my case, that may be where the brain is located) by that I mean, that as the author, I know where I want the story to go and I kind of lose myself inside my characters and let them dictate the story. Unfortunately, somewhere between Thanksgiving and the December Holidays, that ceased to work. I have resorted to doing what I did when I first began to write. I mentally concentrate on the next scene or the next chapter and once I get an idea about where it should go, I write a brief outline. That has gotten me through the last four-chapters. How much further it will take me, I haven't a clue. The only thing I can tell you is that since the wealthy main character is in the process of revising his will, I think it is time for the greedy relatives to begin to surface. Ah, I can hardly wait to figure out just how their greed will manifest. If you have any ideas, please send them to me at:

You might like to check out my website. As of this date, it has received over six thousand-hits, so I know a lot of people are checking it out. You'll find it at:  You can bet that once I send this out, my next task will be to place a different story in the Current Post section of the website. I shall try to post my friend, Frank Lohan's story, Not My Dog. Being a dog lover, it's one of my favorites. Read it! It just might become a favorite with you too.

By the way, my publisher has recently changed names. Henceforth, my novel, Alex, Peanut Butter and Me will be published by Indigo Sea Press, LLC. From now on, if you go to a book store to purchase my book, (and I hope you will, it's a good read & it makes a terrific gift) the store can order it under a new ISBN number: 978-1-63066-420-6

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